Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy Wednesday! (Just so you know today I woke up, jumped out of bed, did a little cheer, pumped my arms in the air while singing "It's chemo day." Then I threw on my wig, skipped to my car, and drove as fast as I could to the clinic. Ok, so that didn't happen but I wish I would've thought of it sooner.)

Today I had my 2nd round of chemo. (who am I kidding I'm still sitting in the chair, waiting for all of my medications to be administered.)

Here is how my day has gone so far...

First my friend Courtney came to pick me up to take me to my appointment. When we got to the cancer center, there was no parking. We drove around and around in the parking ramp and thanks to the wonderful parking of some people, it took a while to find a spot but we finally did. (Side note: the lines are there for a reason people, stay inside them.)

Then we went inside to the Roger Maris clinic so I could meet with my oncologist, Dr. Steen. (He is wonderful, knowledgeable, and AMAZING to work with. If you ever find yourself in the unfortunately place of needing an oncologist, he SHOULD be your guy.) First words out of his mouth.. "Is that your hair." It made me smile. I got to tell him, nope I'm as bald as you are. He did a quick exam and told me that I was handling this all "very matter of factly." I told him that I felt I had three options. 1: be positive and keep chipping away at the check list of things to do to be "healthy" again. 2: Feel sorry for myself and cry all the time. 3: be in denial and pretend like this isn't happening. I don't really like the last two options, so I am opting for 1 and staying as positive as I can. I want to focus on the wonderful things I have going on in my life and not spend time thinking about the few things that are more challenging.
After that appointment, I headed to the infusion center. I was greeted by all the wonderful nurses. They are so friendly and helpful and genuinely appear to like their jobs. Makes it easier to have to spend time in the center with people like them. I got to have a wonderful lunch date with friends. (Might as well make Chemo a party.) The nurse that I had today was telling us about a lady that would through theme parties every time she had chemo. So we got to thinking I should probably have a theme party to celebrate my last cycle of chemo. I will be sending out invitations, they will probably include glitter and maybe doves. I've seen it in movies and I'm sure I can figure out how to pull it off. :)

So now I'll just wait to be done for the day. The sitting gets long but I have been lucky to have some really great company. 

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