Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy "Port" Day! 

Today I go in and get my port accessed and blood drawn for chemo tomorrow. I haven't had it accessed when awake. Last time they accessed it when I was out for the surgical port placement, so a little anxious but they gave me some sweet cream to make sure it was numb. Thanks for the tip Cindy S. (my wonderful mother-in-law)! They told me to put the cream on and then put press and seal over the top. I can't imagine what people would think if they would've walked in my office today. Let me lay it out for you...I was standing in front of my mirror in my office, rubbing cream on my chest, and then trying to get press and seal to stay. I find my life very amusing some days.

On another note: Owen is less freaked out by my bald head, VERY exciting. However, he now just tells people that my hair comes off. Makes me smile because he is so proud of himself when he shares that information with other people. Example: Barb, Barb, Barb (daycare/school teacher) Mom's hair comes off...Mom show Barb how your hair comes off. Not sure how that doesn't make you smile or make your day! :) I think it makes other people uncomfortable but it makes me so happy that he is embracing the process and is "ok" with what is going on.

Well...off to Sanford and then to spend time with my wonderful cousins to do fun Christmas activities. Yay holiday time!

1 comment:

  1. Lol...oh Owen how cute are you! Love that he is liking Amelia!
