Sunday, December 14, 2014

Over the last few days, I have been loosing hair like crazy. So, I decided that I would cut it today. I debated making a montage of clips of my hair to the song, "I will remember you." It would've been totally in jest and sarcastic fun but I didn't know if everyone would take it that way. So I decided against it (but know that I still might do it :) ). 

My friend Courtney nicely tried to wash my hair before she cut it. It didn't work out so well. So I told her to just chop off the parts that were all tangled instead of fighting to comb them.
So she did. Then she tried to be really nice and cut into a cute pixie cut. But there were some pretty thin spots and I wasn't in to the "thinning" look.

With some hesitation, she agreed to cut it all off. I feel like I rock a short hair cut pretty well, which makes me feel better about when my hair grows back. I was surprisingly fine with cutting my hair. My hair hurt when I touched it and it wasn't fun pulling clumps of my hair out when I tried to put it up or comb it. The doctor told me about the hair falling out but no one told me how badly my head would hurt. Touching it hurt, laying down hurt, washing it hurt, so I was READY to get it off my head.

I had a lot of hair on my head. Kinda gross to show but I think its cool. It is also good to know that my doctor wasn't full of B.S. He told me that by the time I went in for my second round of chemotherapy, I would either be bald or so annoyed I would cut it all off. He wins!


I had a blast with these two ladies this morning. Courtney also framed up my wig and made me presentable to the world again. I know that this probably seems like a sad process but it really isn't when you have great people to make each hard part a light and fun experience. We also named my wig and decorated the wig's "head-stand" (a funny reference since I was hanging with the best little gymnast I know). 

I don't know that my little man (O) knows what to think of my hair quite yet but he seems to be staring at me less and less, so that's good. :)

This week I have round 2 (of chemo) and I am looking forward to getting one step closer to being done!

Another big thanks to the best wig-stylist I know!