Sunday, March 15, 2015

Let's start at the very beginning...a very good place to start...When you read you begin with A, B, C...When you sing about cancer you begin with F, U, C....I better stop before I offend someone. :) 

So it has been forever since I blogged. So long in fact that I feel like I need to almost start over. 

I have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY. Between work, my wonderful family, and our new little puppy the blog has been put on the back burner. Although it doesn't bother me, it doesn't help people know what is going on with me. So my apologizes for flaking out.
In January I had two rounds of chemo. Both went pretty well. Shortly after my last round I took a trip to Bismarck for work. I was glad to feel well pretty quickly and get to feel like a normal person. There is something that feels really good about being able to go to a work function and not feel like EVERYONE knows that something is wrong with you.

I had one round in February that was a little more difficult. It took me longer to bounce back and feel well. After this round I took another trip to Bismarck for our annual strategic planning meeting. It was a very busy couple of days and not feeling well took its toll. 

As I am writing this, I am realizing its my thing to have chemo and then go on a trip. I say that because I am sitting in the Louisville, KY airport waiting for my executive director to land so we can go to meetings. Makes me seem important but I promise I am not. :)

I AM SUPER HAPPY TO REPORT THAT I HAD MY LAST ROUND OF CHEMO!!!!!! That's right! My last round was 3/11/15! I pretty much ran out of that room and never want to go back. When I think about it, I get sick to my stomach. Although it isn't the worst thing I could have to experience, it is nothing I want to do again. On my normal days (before cancer took over my life) I felt good most days. I could probably count on one hand the number of times I didn't feel well, stayed home sick, or had to take medication in the last 5 years. Feeling dependent on nausea medications, Tylenol, immune system boosters, etc is not fun for someone who likes to think of them self as healthy. BUT...I am on the upswing. I will be better about updating this wonderful blog from now on. :)

For now, I am off to enjoy Louisville, KY. The weather is beautiful and the sun is out, so I am happy on a number of levels. Life's little blessings!


  1. thanks so much for the update I've been thinking of you so much lately! I'm glad you are done too. Hope your travels are going great.
