Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy "C-Day," yay! (The C stands for cancer, not any other C words you were thinking. Sometimes I call cancer other C words....but that's a different blog).

I had my first round of chemotherapy today. I was really scared. I didn't know how I would feel, how my port would work, how things would go. 

When I first got to Roger Maris Clinic at 8:00am. I went through a "chemo class." (Not only have I been blessed with cancer, but now I have to go back to school...LAME).

...I was not excited to sit through a class about living with chemo. I was hopeful I wouldn't get kicked out for rolling my eyes or laughing. The good news is I was the only one in the class. The class taught me all about what to expect from my services at Sanford, side effects, and helpful hints for getting through treatments. They gave me a binder to take home with lots of information. All of this information you can get on the internet, except the emergency numbers for Sanfords clinic...and come to think of it, you can probably get those too. Although the class was boring, the nurses that taught the class were very nice and joked around about the class. (They must know how lame it is too.)

Next, I saw a nurse practicioner. She did a quick physical, went over the drugs I was expected to get, sent my prescriptions, and went over side effects one more time. She assured me that I would in fact be bald, soon. (Try to contain your jealousy of my soon to be hotness)

After the nurse visit, they brought me to a hospital room where I started my pre-chemo drugs. I had 5 drugs given to me over the next hour and a half. Then...dun dun dun, I started my chemo drugs. I was so happy to have my port today. It is so easy and pain-free for them to draw blood for lab and give me my drugs. I would HIGHLY suggest a port. The procedure to get the port was easy, quick, and the pain afterward wasn't bad. I feel like it was SO worth it.

Overall I felt fine during the treatment. The hardest part was that it was SUPER boring.  Sitting in one spot is very hard for me. I watched a ton of "how I met your mother," chatted with a great friend, and wrote the blog. I hope that I continue to feel as good as I do right now. They are prescribing lots of steroids, so I'm hopeful that will help with the nausea and maybe make me look like a Olympic weight lifter. Fingers crossed.

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